Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Heart Thoughts and Merry Christmas from Helen - December 23, 2009


In a marred and mundane manger
A tiny baby lay
"Call His Name, 'Jesus', whispered the daddy.
Mother Mary pondered within her heart.
Tracing with her fingers his fragile face, nose and ears,
"What child is this, O Blessed Lord?"
She breathed deeply the smells of the cave.
How perfectly woven in her womb He'd been formed
Mysteriously planted by God's Holy Spirit,' twas said.
Laid in a manger, The Creator, in miniature...born.
The Savior swaddled, sleeping in sweet hay
Mighty God in a manger lay.
A manger chosen of the Almighty
To enfold the Son of God.
A manger, roughened in by man made tools
Now smoothed by the years, licked clean by beasts of the field

A Manger, I would choose to be
In the scene so simply sanctified.
Enfolding Emmanuel, Rocking the Rock of Ages
Surrounding my Savior, yet indwelt by Him.
"Abide in me" I'd say. "And I in you" is His omnipresent reply.
"Rest here, little one as long as you can
There are world's to save in earth's short span.
This Master in miniature mouths a smile.
He knows the future,
Even past and present;
Eternal "I AM", wrapped in cloths snuggled in a manger.

What is a Manger, I ask the Almighty.
A Manger contains food for animals to eat;
A box, a trough, fashioned by hand.
"All we like sheep gather at this manger to feed our deepest need.
Manger in a cave, carved in a wall stall
Manger in a cave, holding the Master of mankind
Yet indwelling that manger,
Would you be a stranger?

Indwelt by the Baby of Bethlehem
I would submitted be
How else can I understand
Unless He lives in me?
Come, Lord Jesus, Bread of Life
Come to be born again this night.
Bethlehem...House of Bread. ... Land of Strife.
But a manger that holds the Very Bread of Life
Thank you for Your sustaining might
Thank you for the symbolism so clear to me tonight.
Babe in Manger
I am in You and You are in me:
what a mystery!

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