Friday, January 7, 2011


"Let my one desire to be still before you." (Andrew Murray)

"For this reason ever since we heard about you (from Epaphras), we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will through all spiritual understanding." Colossians 1:9 (NIV) parenthesis is mine.

Ever wondered about Epaphras? His name means 'charming or foamy'. Not phony, but foamy.

He labored alongside Paul and in some way served as fellow prisoner. Herbert Lockyer calls him the man who was a giant in Prayer. I'd like to be known for such qualities. Do you have an Epaphras in your life? Epaphras, the Colossian, ministered to Paul in his need and to the church in her need. His prayer ministry is what is most notable about him.

Lockyer: "This giant in prayer knew how to lay all before the Lord, and laboring in secret, made the saints to be perfect and complete in their standing through his kneeling. He "strove earnestly in his prayers" for the Colossians." When is the last time you strove earnestly in your prayers for the saints?

Paul regarded his friend's perseverance as well as his prayers; he was a practical as well as a prayerful man. This man encouraged the imprisoned Paul with wonderfully charming good news of the saints in Colossae, probably resulting in the letter to the Colossians.

I've thanked God many times for persevering, powerful prayer warriors in my life. I honestly don't know what I'd do without them. I'd name them but would not want to omit any of them. Some have gone on to glory, but some still callous their knees in helping me to stand. Of course, my GREATEST INTERCESSOR is Christ, Himself. (Romans 8:34)

At the close of an old year, we succumb to some old habits, perhaps. Along with feeling much older, I've discovered that my prayer time suffers from insufficient time, insufficient listening as I should, over-sufficient distractions of everything and anything. Instead of choosing the better part like Mary, I resort to old Martha's busyness. It's been called the 'tyranny of the urgent'. I've confessed that and am determined to rename and recommit myself to being a Mary... Epaphras in this New Year. (Do you think it possible that they might have known each other?) Should I be successful, I'm thinking I'll see more of heaven in two thousand eleven.


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